Scott Cieslar's journey began on a humble family farm in rural Ontario.
By Dr.Graham Thompson, MSc, PhD
Ask horse owners and equine industry professionals where they turn for health and nutrition advice for their horses, and time and again there is only one answer: Mad Barn. Over the past few years, this Kitchener, Ontario-based company has emerged as a trusted resource for science-backed equine health information and products across North America.
At the forefront of Mad Barn is Scott Cieslar, whose focus on research and education is transforming the way we feed and manage our horses. What began as a side hustle during his graduate studies at the University of Guelph has evolved into a resource accessed by millions of horse owners every year.
But Cieslar’s goal goes beyond growing Mad Barn as a Canadian manufacturer of nutrition products for horses. He’s committed to driving scientific progress in the equine industry and elevating feeding and management practices to ensure better care for all horses.
Meet Scott Cieslar — Founder of Mad Barn
Scott Cieslar's journey began on a humble family farm in rural Ontario. Growing up, Cieslar was surrounded by a variety of livestock, from beef cattle to pigs, but it was the horses who captured his heart from an early age.
"When I was around 10 years old, my dad got into horses, and that's really where my interest started," Cieslar recalls. "We had a mixed farm, but the horses were always my favorite. I just enjoyed being around them."
An Aspiring Nutritionist
After high school, Cieslar enrolled at the University of Guelph, Ontario’s leading agricultural school. Initially, his path forward was unclear. "To be honest, I didn't have much direction when I first started at Guelph," he admits. "It was more of an expectation that I go to university, rather than a burning passion for a particular field of study."
Eventually, Scott found his calling in the field of nutrition. Under the guidance of Dr. John Cant, Cieslar completed his master’s degree in dairy science, focusing on lactation physiology. With his degree in hand, Scott was ready to see what opportunities were ripe for an aspiring nutritionist.
Feeding Innovation
Cieslar spent his early career applying his knowledge throughout the feed industry, honing his experience across multiple species. He also trained racehorses for a time and started formulating different supplements to optimize their health and performance.
Scott was fascinated by the unique needs of these elite athletes. As he puts it, “From an exercise and physiology perspective, horses are a different beast altogether. There are very horse-specific things that, as a nutritionist, you need to consider."
As Cieslar's industry and equine experience grew, so did his entrepreneurial aspirations. "I always had this itch to work in research but knew that funding was very limited. The more I worked in the feed industry, the more I saw opportunities to fill some gaps in the market and use product sales to fund the research I wanted to do."
Building Public Trust with Scientific Integrity
Scott’s experience in the feed industry combined with his lifelong fascination with horses showed him a real need for high-quality, science-backed equine products. In 2013, Cieslar took a leap of faith and launched his own equine nutrition company, Mad Barn.
“I didn’t start out with the intent to sell equine nutrition products. Instead, I started formulating products because I wanted the best nutrition for my own horses…. Seeing the improvement in condition and performance of the horses in my care, naturally, people asked what I was feeding. They started purchasing my formula and from there a business was born.”
For Mad Barn to succeed, the Canadian company had to set itself apart in a highly competitive market. With plenty of horse supplements already available, it’s often difficult for owners to know which products deliver proven results and which are marketing hype.
From the beginning, Cieslar was determined to make scientific research, innovation and public education fundamental pillars of his brand. "I knew that if we were going to succeed in this space, we had to back up our claims with verified science," he says.
Cieslar's dedication to research has been the driving force behind Mad Barn's product development. And his dedication has paid off. By staying true to what he knows, the company has earned the trust of the equine community. "We're not just trying to sell the latest fad or just replicate products that are already available" he explains. "We're committed to providing solutions that are grounded in science and make a real difference in the lives of horses."
A Canadian Success Story
It’s been a long road, and Cieslar can stand proud knowing he is at the helm of one of the most successful Canadian equine nutrition brands — serving hundreds of thousands of horses across North America and creating dozens of Canadian jobs. Even with the accelerated growth and expansion the company has seen over the years, Mad Barn continues manufacturing products at their facility in Kitchener, Ontario.
"There's a real sense of pride and trust that comes with being a Canadian brand," he says. "Our customers know that we're not just slapping a label on something that was made overseas — they can be confident that our products are held to the highest standards of quality and safety."
Putting Horses First
Keeping manufacturing close to home isn’t the only way Mad Barn sets itself apart. Scott is also the key driver behind the company's commitment to provide free professional nutrition consultations to horse owners. "We know that proper nutrition is critical to the health and well-being of horses, but a lot of owners simply don't have access to that kind of expertise," Cieslar explains.
While many independent equine nutritionist services can cost hundreds of dollars, Scott says working with Mad Barn’s experts will always remain free. "Our goal is to improve the lives of horses, and if that means investing in free consultations, then that's what we'll do," he says.
As for measuring the success of Mad Barn, Cieslar looks beyond traditional metrics like revenue and market share. "Of course, those things are important, but for me, the real measure of success is the positive feedback we get from our customers," he says. "Knowing that we're making a difference in the lives of horses and their owners – that's what truly drives me."
Dr.Graham Thompson, MSc, PhD is a Mad Barn Affiliate and Author
Source: MadBarn