The opening phase, dressage, will be held over Thursday/Friday.
BROMONT, QC - June 7, 2023 - All but one of the 88 horses presented for inspection to the ground juries at the MARS Bromont CCI Wednesday will move forward to the dressage phase of competition taking place Thursday and Friday at the Bromont Olympic Equestrian Park.
CCI4*-L, CCI3*-L and CCI2*-L competitors, including U25 sections of the 2* and 3*, presented their horses for evaluation to the international veterinary and ground jury panel for soundness and being fit to compete.
In the U252*-L, Canada’s Murphy’s Got Charm ridden by Kelly Belanger was held for re-inspection, at which point she chose to withdraw. In the CCI3*-L, Sommersby ridden by Jenny Caras (USA) were held, and were accepted upon re-presenting.
93 horse-and-rider combinations will begin competition, as the CCI4*-S horses are not inspected until Sunday morning.
Emeline Gilbert (USA) embraced the chilly weather presenting her horse EQSZ Mozart at the MARS Bromont CCI. Gilbert is competing int the CCIU252*-L as part of the MARS Bromont Rising grant program administered by the USEA Foundation. © Michelle Dunn
For the MARS Bromont CCI 2023, the opening phase, dressage, will be held over Thursday/Friday. The exciting and spectator-friendly cross-country will take place Saturday and the event will conclude Sunday with the show jumping phase, to determine the overall winners. Daily general admission is free withparking $15/car.
The MARS Bromont Rising U25 grant program administered by the USEA Foundation held the first of their educational sessions Wednesday morning. Presenters included course designer Derek DiGrazia, a “centre line workshop” with 5* judge Cara Whitham, discussion on social license with Dr. Yves Rossier DVM as well as German Olympian and guest coach Bettina Hoy. Hoy will also be coaching the young athletes on dressage days as well as providing course-walks for cross-country and show jumping.
American Olympian Phillip Dutton with Azure, competing in the CCI4*-L division
at the MARS Bromont CCI June 8-11. © Cealy Tetley
Often described as an equestrian triathlon, the Olympic sport of three-day eventing features three separate phases of competition where the same horse and rider pair complete each phase together over three days.
For start times, schedule and information please visit www.bromontcci.com
About the MARS Bromont Three Day Event
Bromont, which has featured top competitions for four decades, will be welcoming some of the best horse-and-rider combinations from all over world across three competitions this summer. Located in the beautiful village of Bromont, Quebec, the spectator-friendly venue is within easy driving distance of Montreal, Quebec and Burlington Vermont. For more information please visit www.bromonthorsetrials.com.
MARS EQUESTRIAN™ Sponsorship, funded by Mars, Incorporated is the link between these iconic brands and the equestrian community. For generations, Mars has celebrated a rich equestrian heritage, and through purposeful partnerships, MARS EQUESTRIAN Sponsorship is committed to the sport and building an enduring legacy. From world-class competitions across all equestrian disciplines, to stewarding the power of horses on society and sustainability, the MARS EQUESTRIAN Brand is dedicated to our purpose to improve the lives of horses, pets, and the people who love them. For more information please visit www.marsequestrian.com and follow them at @marsequestrian.
The Bromont Horse Trials are made possible in part through a contribution from Sport Canada. The Bromont organizing committee also wishes to thank the Government of Quebec, and the City of Bromont for their support.