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Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame - Last Call for Nominations

Posted in Equestrian News, Home Page articles, horse-racing

Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame - Last Call for Nominations

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Nomination deadline is March 10, 2023, at 5:00 pm EST

The Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame (CHRHF) invites the public to participate in the nomination of people and horses who have made a significant contribution to Canadian Standardbred or Thoroughbred horse racing, for induction to the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame as part of the CHRHF Class of 2023.

All nominations received before the nomination deadline of March 10, 2023, at 5:00 pm EST, that meet the eligibility criteria, will be considered by the Nomination Committee of the appropriate breed.

Nominations in the following categories are being sought: PERSON: Trainers, Drivers and Jockeys.

BUILDERS: Includes, but not limited to, Breeders, Owners, Officials, and others.

COMMUNICATORS: Includes, but not limited to, Writers, Broadcasters, Photographers, Announcers, Bloggers.

VETERAN PERSON: Trainers, Drivers, Jockeys whose careers have been concluded for 20 years, but less than 50 years.

MALE HORSE: Stallions or geldings whose contribution to Canadian racing occurred in the past 20 years.

FEMALE HORSE: Fillies and mares whose contribution to Canadian racing occurred in the past 20 years.

VETERAN HORSE: Horses whose careers have been concluded for 20 years, but less than 50 years.

For additional information, including detailed induction criteria, or to complete a nomination form, visit Now Accepting Nominations for the CHRHF Class of 2023!

Source: Canadian Horse Racing Hall Of Fame


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