The show with feature the triple crown of the draft horse breeds; Belgians, Clydesdales/Shires, and Percherons.
The Triple Crown Draft Classic (TCDC) is set to become the greatest draft horse show to come to Ontario. In just over one month the brand new facility at the Ancaster fairgrounds will be filled with the top draft horses of North America competing for champion titles from October 28-30th. The show with feature the triple crown of the draft horse breeds; Belgians, Clydesdales/Shires, and Percherons. Get set to hear the rumbling of the one-ton horses as they compete in patent leather and chrome in front of cheering crowds in the grandstands. A full weekend of fun and excitement for the whole family to enjoy.
At the TCDC promoting the draft horse breed has been of top priority straight from the drawing board. Don and Andrea, both huge draft lovers and founders of the TCDC have been dreaming of a show like this to come to Ontario for years.
Don, who grew up on a dairy farm that acquired racehorses in the last few years, and Andrea, who fell in love with a Clyde at 7 years old, have always had ties to horses. When Don met Andrea he immediately fell in love with the Clydesdale breed. The two have developed a strong breeding program and show their offspring across North America.
Over the course of the years and travelling to many top shows in the USA, Don and Andrea decided that Ontario was missing something. “This is something we have talked about for a long time,” said Don, “It progressed over the years and finally one day we decided that we were going to put a show on in Ontario, something completely different, a prestige event for all Draft lovers to enjoy.” And just that, they did!
The TCDC is honoured to headline the North American Classic Series: Classic Series Six-Horse Hitch, Classic Series Cart, Classic Series Youth Cart, and Classic Series Halter Series. Members of the series compete in these classes for points to show at the North American Classic Series Finals. In addition, the TCDC has been chosen as the final’s location for the Ontario Four-Horse Hitch Classic Series (Scheduled Saturday PM) as well as the Canadian Draft Horse Futurity (Scheduled Friday AM). A full show schedule is posted on the website and social media.
Tickets can be purchased online prior to the event at www.assistexpo.ca/triple-crown-draft-classic . Create an account and once logged in > select continue > select not an exhibitor but want to buy, reserve, or rent items > from there you can purchase your weekend passes or tickets to our Banquet of Champions dinner on the Saturday evening. Depending on seating availability the TCDC will have passes available at the gates. To ensure you have a spot along the boards to watch these mighty animals compete be sure to purchase your tickets ahead of time.
If you have any questions regarding the show, please visit our website at www.triplecrowndraftclassic.com and reach out to us there. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all updates leading up to the show!!
“We could not have this show without the support of our sponsors. Thank you to all for your generous support. We look forward to having you at the first annual show” - Don and Andrea.