Looking to sell your country property, call Inge Winther
Royal Lepage Meadowtowne
Address:475 Main St. E., Milton, ON L9T 1R1
Phone (Direct): (905) 699-9690 or(905) 699-8030
Office: (905) 878-8101
Email: ingewinther@royallepage.ca
Website: www.ingewinther.ca

Now More Than Ever, Knowledge & Experience Count.
The market is very active right now. Country Listings of all kinds needed for qualified buyers.
Thinking of selling, call Inge.
Let me put my expertise to work for you!
Estate Homes - Country Houses - Farms - Vacant Land
Wonder what your property is worth in today's market?
Listing and selling properties in your area for over 35 years
Inge Winther & Anne Winther, Sales representatives.