Check our our first book!
Have you ever wanted to write a book about your horses, your life, your family history? How about a cowboy romance, a show jumping adventure or a racetrack mystery? Young adult or children’s stories, even country cookbooks – we want to help YOU tell your story.
Barnmice Books offers new and established authors affordable editorial and proofing services, cover design and printing, as well as promotions and marketing opportunities. You’ve seen all those ads for “we publish your book” online or in magazines – those companies simply print them up, ship them to you and charge highly inflated fees! Without access to industry-approved Canadian distribution outlets, these “publishing” companies simply supply the product but don’t market or promote – you have to do that all by yourself without any knowledgeable support.
Barnmice Books offers author services that can be “cherry picked” as needed: proof-reading and editorial, cover design, writing author biographies, promotional outlets as well as invaluable publicity guidelines and ideas that will get your book noticed…and sold! We also offer advice on how to get your book into the Canadian Lending Library system.
Barnmice Books works with one of Ontario’s leading printers offering quality paper and bindings as well as “print on demand” so you never have to store multiple boxes of books out in the barn or garage. Do you need 25 books or 250 books? We can provide small or large quantities shipped direct to you.
So….if you want to learn more about our new publishing service, email Barnmice Books at info@barnmicebooks.com
OUR FIRST BOOK IS….. Archie Finds a New Home, the story of a little house mouse forced to move from his family’s over-crowded mouse hole in the farmhouse and finds a brand new home out in the barn. He encounters all sorts of hazards as he makes his way across the farmyard but eventually finds a new best friend in Winny, the old carthorse, who saves Archie from the hungry barn cat. For children 0-5.
First in a series of 3 Archie adventure books.
Author: Glenda Fordham
Illustrator: Elyse Darby
Full-colour illustrations, soft cover $9.99 – available October from The Rider and Barnmice.com
Perfect for Christmas or birthday gift-giving for the youngest members of your herd.
Visit www.barnmicebooks.com to order.